Monday, April 22, 2013

CGT 442 Stylized Walk Cycle

This is a walk cycle I created for CGT 442. It was based off of my own reference footage. It is an agitated person's walk.

CGT 442 Vanilla Walk Cycle

This is an animated walk cycle I created for CGT 442. The walk cycle is based off of generic walk cycle references including The Animator's Survival Guide.

CGT 444 Still Composite

Einstein Helmet 1 Einstein Helmet 2
A composite of a 3D model and an image. I modeled the helmet after Magneto's helmet in X-Men: First Class. Then I placed the helmet onto Einstein's head in After Effects. The left image is the first render. The right image is after adding a shadow and turning down the grain a little.

CGT 341 Head Model

Robin Head Polygons
Robin Head Clean
My first real attempt at character modeling. I had to create Robin's head from Young Justice. Created in Autodesk Maya.

CGT 116 Train

Rhino Train
Inventor Train
Two itterations of a train I made for my CGT 116 class. The one on the left is the original one I made in Rhino. The one on the right is one I remade in Autodesk Inventor.